Shar – Pei

F.C.I. Standard no.
/ 9. 8.

Country of origin: China
Patronage: F.C.I.
Use: hunting and guard dog

FCI Classification:
Group 2 Pinschers, Beardies, Molossians and Swiss Mountain Dogs and related breeds
2. 1.
Molosses, Great Danes.
No working test

Date of publication of the valid original standard: 14.4.1999

BRIEF HISTORICAL OVERVIEW: This Chinese breed has existed in the provinces bordering the South China Sea for centuries.
Originally, they probably originated from the town of Dialak in Kwun Tung province.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Medium-sized, lively, compact dog with a square body and short loin.
The folds of skin on the forehead and withers, small ears and a hippopotamus-like muzzle lend him a unique appearance.
Males are larger than females.

IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATIONS: The height of the scarpee from the ground to the withers is approximately the length of its body from the shoulder joint to the top of the sit bone.
This is especially true for dogs.
The distance between the snout and the stop is the same as the distance between the stop and the occipital bump.

CHARACTER: Calm, independent, loyal, affectionate to her family members.

HEAD: Rather larger in proportion to the body.
Folds of skin on head and cheeks continue to form a lobe.

Cranial part:

Skull: Flat, wide.

Stop: Moderate


Snout: large and broad, black is preferred, but any colour that matches the coat colour is acceptable.
Nostrils wide open.

Papoose: Characteristic feature of the breed.
A characteristic feature of the muzzle, wide from the set of the muzzle at the root to the muzzle, without any tendency to taper.
The lips and upper part of the muzzle are well filled.
A bulge at the muzzle is permissible.

Mucous membranes: tongue, upper palate, gums and labia are preferred in blue-black.
A pinkish mottled tongue is acceptable.
An all-pink tongue is highly undesirable.
In dilute colored dogs, the tongue is a uniform lavender color ( a soft pale blue).

Jaws/teeth: Strong jaws with perfect scissor bite.
The upper incisors extend without a gap over the lower incisors in the lower jaw.
The teeth in the jaw are set perpendicularly.
The lower lip should not be so massive as to interfere with the bite.

Eyes: Dark, almond-shaped, with a frowning expression.
A lighter coloured iris is acceptable in dilute coloured dogs.
Eye function must not be affected by skin, wrinkles or hair.
Any sign of irritation of the eyeball or eyelids is highly undesirable.
No entropion.

Ears: Very small, rather thick, shaped like an equilateral triangle.
Slightly rounded and high set at the tip; tips of ears pointing towards the eyes.
They are distinctly anterior to the eyes, broadly set and close to the skull.
Standing ears are highly undesirable.

NECK: Medium length, strong, well set on the shoulders.
The loose skin on the neck should not be exaggerated.

BODY: In adult dogs, wrinkles on the body are very undesirable except on the withers and the root of the tail where slight wrinkles form.

Upper line: it drops only slightly behind the withers, and then rises slightly again towards the hips.

Back: Short, strong.

Hips: Short, broad, slightly arched.

Crosses: rather flat.

Chest: broad and deep.
Broad and wide, reaching up to the elbows.

Bottom line: rises slightly below the hips.

TAIL: Thick and round at the root, gradually tapering to a thin tip.
The tail is very high set.
It is a characteristic feature of the breed.
It may be carried high and curled, tightly curled over the back, or curled to either side of the back.
An incomplete or completely absent tail is highly undesirable.


BACKQUARTERS: They are straight, of medium length with good strong bones.
Without wrinkles.

Shoulders: muscular, well angulated.

Wrist: slightly oblique, strong, flexible.

LAMB LEGS: Muscular, strong, with medium charring.
Viewed from behind in parallel stance.
Heels perpendicular to the ground.

Folds of skin on the thighs, calves and under the heels are undesirable.
As well as thickened skin on the heels.

KNEE: well charred and lower.

LABELS: Medium-sized, compact, not open.
Well arched.
Without wolf’s claws on pelvic limbs.

MOVEMENT: trotting is preferred.
The movement is free, harmonious, energetic and active, spacious in front and with a strong shift from behind.
At higher speed, the paws tend to meet in a central line.
A stiff movement is undesirable.


HEART: Breed characteristic: short, harsh/sharp and angular.
The coat is straight and stands away from the body; however, it is close on the legs.
Without undercoat.
Coat length is 1 to 2,5 cm.
It is never trimmed.

COLOUR: Except for white, all solid colours are allowed.
The tail and back of the legs are often lighter.
A darker shade on the back and ears is permissible.


Tap height: 44 – 51 cm (17.5 to 20 ins – inch).

DEFECTS: Any deviation from the above points must be considered as a defect; its assessment must be according to the degree of deviation.


Any bite other than a scissor bite (a light underbite is permissible as an intermediate measure

Pointed, narrow slipper.

Big ears

Low set tail

Coat longer than 2,5 cm

Speckled tongue (except for pink-spotted tongue)


Aggressiveness or timidity.

Flat face with strong underbite; overbite.

All-pink language.

A recessed bottom lip that prevents a proper bite.

Round, bulging eyes. Entropium, ectropium.

Skin folds or hair that interfere with the normal function of the eyes.

Standing ears.

Missing tail. Congenitally shortened tail.

Deep skin folds on the body (except on the withers and root of the tail) and on the limbs.

Not monochromatic (albino, banded, mottled, spotted, black and tan, saddle-shaped).

Dogs with obvious psychological or educational abnormalities must be disqualified.

Note: Dogs must have both normally developed testicles fully descended in the scrotum.

WARNING: Any surgical intervention on the dog (especially on the lips and eyelids) will disqualify the dog from the competition.